Monroe County is forming a small task force to start discussing and reviewing recommendations in the recent Criminal Justice & Incarceration Study. At the June 30, 2021 meeting of the Monroe County Commissioners, county attorney Margie Rice asked for feedback on creating a task force of elected officials. The group would include members of the Monroe County Commissioners, Monroe County Council, the Health Department, prosecutor, public defender and Board of Judges. Another public meeting is set for July 7 at 5:30 p.m. via this Zoom link. Click here to listen to the criminal justice study discussion on CATS. Read the Criminal Justice & Incarceration Study here.
A March panel discussion hosted by the United Way of Monroe County focused on evictions, housing security and local programs that address those issues. Moderated by Mark Fraley, panelists were Beacon Inc. Rapid Rehousing Coordinator Amy Harrison, Housing & Eviction Prevention Project Coordinator Tonda Radewan, and Monroe Circuit Court IV Judge Catherine Stafford. Click here to watch a video of the panel discussion. Congratulations to the candidates who prevailed on Nov. 3 and thanks to everyone who put themselves out there to run, especially at the local and state levels. Below is a list of candidates who prevailed in the election. For more detailed results in Monroe County, click here for the cumulative report. Or check the Indiana Election Division site for statewide results. The 2020 General Election is on Tuesday, Nov. 3. In addition to the race for U.S. President, many candidates are running for local, state and federal office. To help voters navigate their options, the Chamber has launched a nonpartisan resource guide for elected positions that represent all or parts of Monroe County. In addition to general resources about the voting process, the site includes information about candidates for U.S. Congress District 9, Indiana Senate and House of Representatives, Monroe County Council and Commission, Monroe County Circuit Court, other Monroe County elected offices, and the school boards for Monroe County Community School Corp. and Richland-Bean Blossom Schools. Not sure who's on your ballot? Go to the League of Women Voters Vote411 site, enter your address and get a listing. Or search for your ballot on the Indiana Voter Portal by clicking the "Who's On The Ballot" link. Andy Ruff prevailed in a field of 5 candidates for the Democratic Party nomination to the 9th District Congressional seat and will face incumbent Republican Trey Hollingsworth in November. Here's a rundown of other winners in competitive races on June 2:
Click here for a full list of Monroe County election results in the June 2 primary. Candidates will move on to compete in the general election on Nov. 3. Need to learn more about candidates in the June 2, 2020 primary election? The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce is helping inform voters with a new resource site. The Chamber's guide to the 2020 Primary Elections includes videos of one-on-one interviews with candidates in local, state and federal races, and candidates' written responses to questions from the Chamber. You'll also find links to campaign websites and social media for the candidates, if available. This year, there are competitive primary races for Monroe County Council at-large seats, Monroe County Circuit Court, the Indiana legislature and the District 9 U.S. Congressional seat. All registered voters can vote by mail in the primary. Click here to apply for your ballot online. |
August 2024